Period cramps are the worst! While some prefer to slap on a heating pad and dive for a bar of chocolate, cannabis has long been a popular choice for that time of the month. Not only is the plant a natural pain killer, many fans find that, when it comes to PMS, cannabis is the best natural cramp-killer around.

What is PMS?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a variety of symptoms the few days leading up to that special time of the month.

Some of them include:

  • Breast tenderness
  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings

For some women, breast pain, cramps, and emotional turmoil are so severe that they interfere with work and relationships. This occurrence has been given the name premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

Does cannabis help PMS?

Cannabis has a long history as a women’s healing aid. The legendary Queen Victoria even famously used the herb for relief from painful cramping, and Victorian doctors were happy to prescribe. Nowadays, even with the herb’s illegality in most parts of the world, women still use cannabis to self-treat problems of the womb. This includes countless women who use the plant to self-treat conditions related to pregnancy, despite the social and potential medical risks.

  1. Period cramps

Cramps are a huge part of having a period. Painful cramping can happen in the days leading up to menstruation and often continue the whole way through. This cramping happens when hormones trigger muscle contractions in the uterus. These cramps are similar to small-scale labor contractions.

The primary psychoactive in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is a muscle relaxant. The herb can be applied topically via a cannabis-infused cream or in a transdermal patch.

While smoking is always an option, vaporization is also a healthier way to take your mind off of the pain and discomfort. Individuals even have access to cannabis-infused suppositories to relieve cramps in a localized area.

  1. Aches and pains

Back pain, breast tenderness, and generalized abdominal pain are extremely common for women around the globe. Cannabis is well known for pain curing abilities.

Both psychoactive cannabis and strains high in cannabidiol (CBD) are popular for the treatment of all sorts of pain conditions.

  1. Headaches

Women can experience various types of headaches during PMS and menstruation, including “menstrual migraines”. For those who find themselves with a bad headache, cannabis may be option for pain relief.

  1. Mood

The days leading up to the period can be rough. This time frame is known as the luteal phase and the body changes quite a bit while preparing to shed uterine tissue. For those with PMS and PMDD, these hormonal shifts can cause some real emotional ups and downs. CBD, a cannabis compound that doesn’t cause a psychoactive “high” has shown to provide symptom relief almost immediately.

Feeling a little off? Maybe it’s time to try medical marijuana.

  1. Diarrhea

While not the prettiest topic, many women with PMS and PMDD experience gastrointestinal distress while menstruating. As a muscle relaxant, cannabis eases muscle cramps. The plant is also a potent anti-inflammatory, which may be useful for those with conditions of the bowels.

(Video on PMS Here)

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